【英文本色】應唔應該寫 the reason is because? - 魏徵
話就話唔係錯,但 the reason is because 呢個講法絕對唔值得鼓勵。其實「原因」已經包含咗「因為」嘅意思,所以「原因係因為」點睇都有啲多餘。平時講嘢唔緊要,但寫出嚟就最好可免則免。可以參考嘅講法係,the reason is that people are more health-conscious these days,用 that 去代替 because。中文都一樣,可以說「原因係而家啲人更加注重健康」,寫得「原因」,就唔需要寫「因為」。
如果你覺得寫 the reason is because 完全冇問題,咁你睇吓以下呢個例子,可能會改變你嘅睇法。
英文:The reason why he resigned is because the boss cut his pay。
中文嗰句還好,英文嗰句雖然百份百符合 grammar,但真係有啲累贅。點改好啲?
第一,reason 後面個 why 可以變做 that,改成:The reason that he resigned is because the boss cut his pay。
第二,because 改為 that,變成 the reason that he resigned is that the boss cut his pay。
不過,咁樣聽落去都有啲怪,最怪就係個that重覆咗兩次。That 係一個可有可無嘅字,既然係咁,整走前面個that就靚仔晒:the reason he resigned is that the boss cut his pay。
當然,語文嘅嘢,千變萬化,你可能已經諗到一個比我更加好嘅改法,例如係 the reason for his resignation is that he got a pay cut。
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