

He told me thisshe told me thathe did not tell me thisshe did not tell me that,諸如此類的句子,就好像小學生嗌交一樣。


When I retrieved my watch following the complete servicing two years ago, I surely was not alerted by your staff that anything could go wrong within such a short period of time.

要學嘅就係,I was not alerted。意思即係,唔係話你有冇講到,可能你有,可能你冇,我唔知,但總之我就收唔到呢個訊息。

同老師講,I was not alerted that I need to write 350 words

同老公講,I was not alerted that I could not use your credit card

同老婆講,I was not alerted that you had a problem with me coming home late

好,學完 I was not alerted,再學第二樣嘢。



I absolutely refuse to pay for anything more than a battery replacement.  Any other problem that arises with the watch certainly stem from no fault of mine.  But it has everything to do with the less-than-thorough check-up conducted by your shop in January 2010, for which I was charged more than HK$4,000.

千錯萬錯,都唔係我錯,any other problem that arises with the watch certainly stems from no fault of mine,手錶的問題絕不是由我而起。

最後嗰段好 standard,講出你想點,對方唔肯你又會點。

I demand to have the watch battery replaced and any other problems fixed at no further cost, other than the price of the battery itself.  I look forward to your reply by June 15, 2012.  Otherwise, I will have no alternative but to refer this matter to the Consumer Council.

有啲人會講 I will complain to Consumer Council,即係會向消費者委員會投訴。咁講唔係唔得,但我哋可以參考吓英國人,indirect 少少,唔使吓下講 complain,你話 refer the matter to,已經足夠讓人意會當中的意思。


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