先抬舉一下對方,表示你對他們是有著這樣的期望的。當然,你純碎寫「I thought」都可以,但「I have always been under the impression that」就有「素聞」意思,感覺型啲。
To whom it may concern,
I have always been under the impression that KKK was a trustworthy brand that produces the finest luxury goods and delivers top-tier after-sales service.
Therefore, I am truly disappointed after a recent disheartening experience.
如果你想寫 disappointing experience 都可以,但寫完 disappointed 又立刻寫 disappointing,是非常差的文筆。如果你想寫 I am truly disheartened after a recent disappointing experience 都可以接受,但我覺得我的版本比較合理。
之後仲要寫埋,呢個 disheartening experience 令我對你哋個 brand 信心動搖。一講信心動搖,好多人就會諗到 shake 呢個字,千祈唔好寫 shake。
Therefore, I am truly disappointed after a recent disheartening experience, which has caused my previous confidence in the brand to waver.
Waver 才是「動搖」的意思。
跟住就要加句,我而家真係覺得你哋個 brand 有啲名不符實。這個情況下,用 lofty 去形容 reputation 是「絕配」,lofty 有崇高的意思。
I am now doubtful whether you can live up to your lofty reputation and customers’ expectations.
On January 1, 20XX, I picked up my KKK watch from your shop in the AAA Building in Central, after it had been taken for a so-called complete service (Reference number 12345), costing me HK$5,550. Less than two years later, the battery died, so I was told to visit Peter – one of your authorized dealers – to have it replaced.
平舖直敘之後,就係時候「嚟料」。本來以為攞隻錶換舊電啫,勢估唔到會咁咁咁。呢下「勢估唔到」,可以寫 much to my shock and dismay。
However, much to my shock and dismay, I was asked to pay another HK$2,000 because one of the watch components needed replacing. When I first purchased the watch a few years ago, I loved it, and had full confidence in the KKK brand. So I was taken aback as my simple request to have a battery changed turned out to cost me another couple of thousand dollars.
這段的 taken aback 其實意思跟 shocked 差不多,不過因為前面用了 shock 這個字,後面不想重複。(待續)
圖片:Andjey Snow