【5歲攝影師】 童心放眼世界

在地球的另一端,在葡萄牙的Hawkeye Huey 小朋友,就已經成為史上最年輕的<>攝影師,更在 Instagram 有超過 16 萬個追蹤者,作品亦被著名雜誌 Rolling Stone Time Magazine 所推介!0b1900bef1f472d8e478ce0117a448f8 original 600x557


4 year old photographer hawkeye aaron huey the american west 2 600x600

年紀輕輕,就那樣「叻叻豬」,難怪他父親亦計劃幫小 Hawkeye 



以下就有   Hawkeye 的大作!






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A 4 year olds Portrait of the American West2 605 600x376


A 4 year olds Portrait of the American West8 605 600x369


A 4 year olds Portrait of the American West9 605 600x370


A 4 year olds Portrait of the American West13 605 600x375


A 4 year olds Portrait of the American West14 605 600x370


A 4 year olds Portrait of the American West17 605 600x374


A 4 year olds Portrait of the American West20 605 600x372


A 4 year olds Portrait of the American West30 605 600x369


A 4 year olds Portrait of the American West38 605 600x374


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圖片來源 :  Hawkeye Huey Instagram

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